Thank you for your interest in joining our work at VietRISE!

Please check out the opportunities below for ways to get involved. We welcome all people in the community to join in whatever capacity they have. If you have any questions, please email

Sign up for our mailing list here to receive updates about organizing opportunities and more.

Join the SAFFE Campaign

Join the movement to expand immigrant voting!

This November 2024, Santa Ana voters will have the opportunity to vote on a ballot measure that would expand the right to vote to ALL Santa Ana residents, regardless of immigration status.

If voters approved this measure, the community members — who are mothers, fathers, grandparents, our neighbors, workers, tax-paying residents — will finally have the right to vote and have a say in who represents them. This measure will strengthen democracy and civic engagement in Santa Ana and make all Santa Ana residents feel as if they long.

Sign up here and share the form with a friend!


VietRISE advances social justice and builds power with working-class Vietnamese and immigrant communities in Orange County. We build leadership and create systemic change through organizing, narrative change, cultural empowerment, and civic engagement.

VietRISE is fiscally sponsored by Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


(714) 589-5496

14351 Euclid St. #1M, Garden Grove, CA 92843