We are so excited to share that Allison Võ, our Youth Organizing Coordinator, was awarded the 2022 Voices for Change Award by The California Endowment for the Southern California region! One young person per region is awarded the Voices for Change award for their work in and dedication to achieving racial and health equity through people power. Scroll down below to read more about this award and Allison’s incredible work!
Mark Your Calendar & Get Involved

Wednesday, 8/17 @ 5PM: General Election Civic Engagement Team Application Due
Apply to join our civic engagement team to help make this happen! This is a short-term paid contractor position ($20/hr) for 8 weeks starting Monday, September 19th through November 8th. Prior canvassing experience is preferred but not required. Training and lunches will be provided. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis, so apply early!
Campaign News

Tự Lực Social Justice Academy: Conclusion and Ceremony
Like and view our Instagram post here.

Over 200 Calls Made During VISION Act Power Hours to #StopICETransfers in CA
On Tuesday, August 9th, 10 community and legal organizations joined us in co-hosting a day-long phone bank for the VISION Act. Over 200 calls were made to OC Senators Umberg, Min, Newman, and Governor Newsom to stop ICE transfers in California. Thank you everyone who joined our event and made calls for the VISION Act!
Check out our thread on the event here.

19 Elected Officials Send Letter Urging OC State Senators to Pass the VISION Act
On Tuesday, August 16th, 19 Orange County elected officials, including the Mayors of Santa Ana, Irvine, and Buena Park, sent a monumental letter to State Senators Tom Umberg, Josh Newman, and Dave Min urging them to vote yes on the VISION Act.
Help us by re-tweeting and re-sharing the letter on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

After Community Mobilization, Westminster City Council Backtracks Vote to Bankrupt the City
Westminster voters will now be able to vote in the November election “on an extension of the current 1% transaction rate that voters approved in 2016, and it would last for 20 more years” if it passes (Voice of OC). Mayor Tri Ta and Councilmember Charlie Nguyen reversed their non-votes to yes’s, Councilmembers Carlos Manzo and Kimberly Ho maintained their yes’s, and Councilmember Tai Do maintained a non-vote during the Friday, August 12th special public meeting.
The reversal of the original decision that would’ve bankrupted the city transpired because of a multigenerational community mobilization. Residents and advocates, from seniors from mobile home parks to young people from immigrant backgrounds, all rallied to fight for the community’s needs.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our call to action and sent an email to hold Westminster elected officials accountable and those who gave a public comment in person during the meeting!

Allison Võ Receives the 2022 Voices for Change Award by The California Endowment
Community Spotlight

Highlighting Our Youth 4 VISION Act Committee
This group of young leaders believe in and are building toward a world where every person is treated with dignity, are not double punished by the state’s criminal legal system, and have their human rights respected. They have been mobilizing their peers to support the VISION Act and played an integral role in organizing the VISION Act march and rally in Little Saigon in June. They exemplify leadership and community care. Thank you all!